Chemical PulpingLaajuus (5 op)
Tunnus: 5P00GY32
5 op
The aim of the course is to develop the student's knowledge of the operation of a modern pulp mill and its unit processes. The course provides basic skills to work in tasks related to the production, sale and use of pulp.
After completing the course, the student
• knows the production process of chemical pulp, the unit processes of the fiber line and chemical recovery. The student knows pulp bleaching and the production of by-products
• can compare different properties and manufacturing processes of chemical and chemi-mechanical pulps
• knows the basics of material, chemical and energy balance calculations for the production of chemical pulp.
An overview of the pulp industry, wood chemistry and physical properties of wood in pulp production.
Fiber line processes: wood debarking and chipping, pre steaming and impregnation, cooking chemistry and cooking process, cooking technology, polysulfide cooking and other cooking modifications, pulp washing, oxygen delignification and bleaching technique; Drying machine and baling line
Chemical recovery: white liquor production, liquor circulation and lime circulation, energy production
Pulp and pulp grades; Lignin, turpentine and tall oil processing
Water and air protection; material, energy and chemical balance
Manufacturing of specialty pulps; dissolving pulp, micro and nano pulps, fluff pulp
Manufacturing of semi-chemical pulp.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
The student can list the raw materials, know the process steps and products, understand the use of materials, chemicals and energy.
The student shows weak knowledge in the exam. Some of the tasks to be returned are missing.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
The student can combine information from different sources and draw conclusions based on them. The student demonstrates his activity and knowledge through his activities and/or works responsibly as a team member
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The student knows how to combine information from different sources and make interpretations about the different topics of the course based on them. The student shows excellent activity in lectures and doing assignments.
The student has familiarized himself with the production of pulp in a wide area; knows the sub-processes of pulp production, such as the main tasks of the fiber line, the chemical cycle (lime cycle) and the side streams of pulp production, as well as their beneficial use. The student works responsibly as a member of the group, completing the tasks in accordance with the given instructions and bringing his own knowledge to the fore. The student actively uses the excursion/laboratory work opportunity and demonstrates excellent knowledge in the exam.