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Degree Programme in Culture and Arts, Musical Theatre: Musical Theatre

Code: 24MUSTE

Bachelor of Culture and Arts

Degree title:
Bachelor of Culture and Arts

240 ects

4 years (240 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2025


Music Theater Specialization in the Musician Degree Program (AMK) leads to a professional higher education qualification in the cultural field, with the degree title of Musician (Bachelor of Arts). The program consists of 240 ECTS credits and has a duration of 4 years.


In this program, you’ll gain the skills to work as a musical theater professional, including strong abilities in singing, dancing, and acting (triple competence) within the diverse field of music theater. Emphasis on singing, acting, and dancing, as well as versatile integration of these skill areas (Triple Threat Performer).


At the core of the expertise produced by this specialization lies the versatile mastery of music theater genres, taking into account the professional competence requirements in the field, specifically in singing, acting, and dancing (Triple Threat Performer). Additionally, the expertise includes supportive subjects such as ensemble studies, speech and voice training, repertoire knowledge, music theory, as well as the history of musicals, theater, and dance, along with TAMK’s common subjects. The physical and mental well-being of musicians are integral goals of the degree program.

Internships and parts of the education are carried out in collaboration with professional theaters and other theater industry stakeholders. Participation in various productions is an essential part of the students’ learning experience. Students’ involvement, in cooperation with industry partners, allows for authentic learning within a professional theater environment. TAMK Music collaborates extensively with Finland’s professional theater scene in terms of productions and internships.

The structure of the program is as follows:

Basic Studies and Professional Studies: 174 ECTS credits
Internship: 30 ECTS credits
Optional Professional Studies: 6 ECTS credits
Elective Studies: 15 ECTS credits
Thesis: 15 ECTS credits
Total: 240 ECTS credits

Flexibility in Studies

In the Musician Degree Program, there are alternative professional studies and elective courses that allow students to incorporate specialized music-related studies or courses from other TAMK programs or other universities. This flexibility enables students to expand and tailor their expertise according to their interests and career goals.

Students also have the opportunity to include studies or internships completed during international student exchanges in their degree. International student exchanges can take place during the second or third year of study. Incoming exchange students have flexible options to participate in instrument and ensemble music studies, as well as other musical courses.


The Musician Degree Program emphasizes practical learning based on theoretical knowledge and skill development. Music learning methods follow international practices in higher education. Some courses are conducted through individual instruction. A significant portion of studies occurs in group settings, including small group teaching, large group teaching, or participation in musical ensembles or theater ensembles. Many of the practical music, theater, and dance courses primarily require face-to-face teaching. For certain theoretical courses, remote teaching and, to some extent, self-study online are possible. Low-latency video connections enable the implementation of music performance-related studies remotely, especially in special situations as remote teaching (for example, international master classes or intercollegiate teaching exchanges).

Learning the skills needed in working as a music professional requires long-term teaching with sufficient time for practise. These studies (instrumental proficiency, ensemble playing, choral conducting, orchestral conducting, composition, and pedagogical competence) form threads that span several years. Some courses also conducted in periodic sessions. Theoretical knowledge is closely tied to practical learning through reflection during the course of studies.

An essential aspect of education is independent practice in playing instruments and singing within the college premises.

Participation in productions, projects, and internships conducted in collaboration with professional partners is a central part of the learning process. A 30-credit internship is carried out through projects throughout the studies.


The development of a student’s expertise can be described through the following annual themes:

First Year: Basic competence and orientation to professional studies.
Second Year: Building the foundation of professional expertise.
Third Year: Profiling and deepening expertise.
Fourth Year: Strengthening professional identity (professional identity) and understanding investigative and developmental approaches to work.
The common competencies of higher education degrees are integrated into the Musician Degree Program’s courses and are emphasized in the program’s annual themes as follows:

Learning to Learn: Emphasized throughout the 1st to 4th years.
Ethics: Emphasized throughout the 1st to 4th years.
Sustainable Development: Emphasized throughout the 1st to 4th years.
Internationalization and Multiculturalism: Emphasized during the 1st to 3rd years.
Working in Professional Life: Emphasized during the 3rd to 4th years.
Proactive Development: Emphasized during the 3rd to 4th years.

Curriculum development and working life cooperation

The curriculum adheres to the European and national framework for higher education qualifications (NQF and EQF, level 6).

Tampere University of Applied Sciences’ music education program has extensive networking with cultural industry professionals and educators, and collaborates closely with other higher education institutions. Work-life collaboration is realized through joint music-making, production activities, projects, practical internships in professional settings, artistic and pedagogical activities of teachers, publications, and the pedagogical network of music education.

The curriculum has been developed with input from advisory councils, representatives from the professional field, and students.

Further information

The curriculum has been approved by the University Council of Tampere University of Applied Sciences on xx.xx.2024.

Show study timings by academic year, semester or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028 2028-2029 Autumn 2025 Spring 2026 Autumn 2026 Spring 2027 Autumn 2027 Spring 2028 Autumn 2028 Spring 2029 1. / 2025 2. / 2025 3. / 2026 4. / 2026 1. / 2026 2. / 2026 3. / 2027 4. / 2027 1. / 2027 2. / 2027 3. / 2028 4. / 2028 1. / 2028 2. / 2028 3. / 2029 4. / 2029
Main Instrument Skills of Musical Theatre

(Choose all )

Musical Theatre Singing (select all)

(Choose all )

2X00GZ58 Musical Theatre Singing 1 15 15 7.5 7.5 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8
2X00GZ59 Musical Theatre Singing 2, level C 15 15 7.5 7.5 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8
2X00GZ60 Musical Theatre Singing 3 15 15 7.5 7.5 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8
2X00GZ61 Musical Theatre Singing 4, level B 15 15 7.5 7.5 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8
Acting (select all)

(Choose all )

2X00GZ62 Acting 1 10 10 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
2X00GZ63 Acting 2 10 9 4.5 4.5 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3
2X00GZ64 Acting 3 10 10 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
2X00GZ65 Acting 4 4 5 5 2.5 2.5
Dance and Movement (select all)

(Choose all )

2X00GZ70 Dance and Movement 1 10 10 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
2X00GZ71 Dance and Movement 2 10 10 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
2X00GZ72 Dance and Movement 3 10 10 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
2X00GZ73 Dance and Movement 4 4 4 4 2 2
Advanced Proficiency in the Main Instrument

(Choose all )

2X00GZ33 Dramaturgy 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
2X00GZ28 Ensemble 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
2X00HF39 Ensemble 2 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
2X00HF40 Ensemble 3 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
2X00GZ31 Musical Skills and Readiness/ Mock-Audition 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
2X00GZ29 Repertoire Practicum 2 2 2 1 1
2X00GZ30 Speech and Voice 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
2X00HF43 Speech and Voice 2 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
2X00HF44 Speech and Voice 3 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Theoretical Knowledge of Musical Theater Studies

(Choose all )

2X00GZ34 History of Musical Theatre 2 2 2 1 1
2X00GZ35 History of Dance and Theatre 2 2 2 1 1
2X00GZ37 Music Tehcnology 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
2X00GZ38 Pop- and Jazz Theory and Arrangement 3 2 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
2X00GZ39 Ear Training 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 1
2X00HD10 Free Accompaniment 1 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 1
Working Life Skills

(Choose ects: 15)

NN00GW25 Digital Tools 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
NN00GU79 Study Guidance 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
2X00GW53 English for Music Professionals 3 3 1.5 1.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
2X00GW54 Professional Swedish for the Music Industry, Written 2 2 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
2X00GW55 Professional Swedish for the Music Industry, Oral 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
2X00GW56 Mental Training in Music and Ergonomics 2 2 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
2X00GW57 Entrepreneurship for Artists and Career Planning 2 2 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
2X00HC97 Applied Studies in Entrepreneurship 3 3 1.5 1.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Elective Professional Studies

(Choose ects: 6)

Optional Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 15)


(Choose all )

2X00GZ47 Triple Threat Performer/Production 1 5 5 2.5 2.5 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
2X00GZ48 Triple Threat Performer/Production 2 10 10 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
2X00GZ49 Triple Threat Performer/Production 3 10 10 5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
2X00GZ50 Triple Threat Performer/Production 4 5 5 2.5 2.5 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3

(Choose all )

NN00HA83 Thesis Plan 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
NN00HA84 Implementing Thesis 5 5 2.5 2.5 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
NN00HA85 Reporting Thesis 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
Total 240 60 57 65.5 35.5 29.5 30.5 27 30 32 33.5 23.5 12 15 15 15.5 15.5 13.8 13.8 15.3 15.3 16.2 16.2 16.95 16.95 11.95 11.95 6.2 6.2

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Code Name Credits (cr)
Main Instrument Skills of Musical Theatre

(Choose all)

Musical Theatre Singing (select all)

(Choose all)

2X00GZ58 Musical Theatre Singing 1 15
2X00GZ59 Musical Theatre Singing 2, level C 15
2X00GZ60 Musical Theatre Singing 3 15
2X00GZ61 Musical Theatre Singing 4, level B 15
Acting (select all)

(Choose all)

2X00GZ62 Acting 1 10
2X00GZ63 Acting 2 10
2X00GZ64 Acting 3 10
2X00GZ65 Acting 4 4
Dance and Movement (select all)

(Choose all)

2X00GZ70 Dance and Movement 1 10
2X00GZ71 Dance and Movement 2 10
2X00GZ72 Dance and Movement 3 10
2X00GZ73 Dance and Movement 4 4
Advanced Proficiency in the Main Instrument

(Choose all)

2X00GZ33 Dramaturgy 3
2X00GZ28 Ensemble 1 1
2X00HF39 Ensemble 2 1
2X00HF40 Ensemble 3 1
2X00GZ31 Musical Skills and Readiness/ Mock-Audition 1 1
2X00HH41 Musical Skills and Readiness/ Mock-Audition 2 1
2X00GZ29 Repertoire Practicum 2
2X00GZ30 Speech and Voice 1 1
2X00HF43 Speech and Voice 2 1
2X00HF44 Speech and Voice 3 1
Theoretical Knowledge of Musical Theater Studies

(Choose all)

2X00GZ34 History of Musical Theatre 2
2X00GZ35 History of Dance and Theatre 2
2X00GZ37 Music Tehcnology 3
2X00GZ38 Pop- and Jazz Theory and Arrangement 3
2X00GZ39 Ear Training 4
2X00HD10 Free Accompaniment 1 4
Working Life Skills

(Choose ects: 15)

NN00GW25 Digital Tools 1
NN00GU79 Study Guidance 1
2X00GW53 English for Music Professionals 3
2X00GW54 Professional Swedish for the Music Industry, Written 2
2X00GW55 Professional Swedish for the Music Industry, Oral 1
2X00GW56 Mental Training in Music and Ergonomics 2
2X00GW57 Entrepreneurship for Artists and Career Planning 2
2X00HC97 Applied Studies in Entrepreneurship 3
24H Entrepreneurship Online Library
1 - 13
NN00HD32 Introduction to Digital Marketing 1
NN00HD33 Introduction to Digital Selling 1
NN00HD34 Self Branding for Professionals 1
NN00HD35 From Expert to Entrepreneur 1
NN00HD36 Self Leadership 1
NN00HD37 The ABC of Entrepreneurial Finance 1
NN00HD38 Introduction to Futures Studies and Foresight 1
NN00HD39 Types of Futures Knowledge 1
NN00HD40 Futures Studies and Foresight Methods 1
NN00HD41 Being a Sustainable Entrepreneur 1
NN00HD42 Sustainable Business Modelling 1
NN00HD43 Measuring the Impact of your Actions 1
NN00HD30 Introduction to Board Work 1
Elective Professional Studies

(Choose ects: 6)

Optional Elective Studies

(Choose ects: 15)


(Choose all)

2X00GZ47 Triple Threat Performer/Production 1 5
2X00GZ48 Triple Threat Performer/Production 2 10
2X00GZ49 Triple Threat Performer/Production 3 10
2X00GZ50 Triple Threat Performer/Production 4 5

(Choose all)

NN00HA83 Thesis Plan 5
NN00HA84 Implementing Thesis 5
NN00HA85 Reporting Thesis 5