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Uudistuva talousjohtaminenLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: 3B00GQ56


5 op


The course aims to build on the two most remarkable megatrends of today’s business world – digital transformation and sustainability. The students of this course both learn about the key ingredients of these phenomena, and how to further improve today’s future-oriented financial management and management accounting practices utilizing the new opportunities arising from them. The approach is strongly analytical, curious-minded, experimental, and practical, with a clear focus on planning and enabling successful decision-making for the future.

After completing the course, the student will be able to:
• produce contribution to digital transformation projects, especially in tasks and duties with a focus on financial management.
• plan and implement digital finance practices case-specifically, with a focus on e.g., business intelligence (BI), automation, and artificial intelligence (AI).
• improve the efficiency of analysis, forecasting, and strategy work and add benefits of visualization to reporting.
• perform experimental scenario work, risk, and sensitivity analyses (e.g., ROI DuPont), to create insights for decision making.
• identify, consider, and include effects of sustainable finance and ESG regulation to the practices and business development efforts of a company.
• be continuously ready to renew their skills and competences, as a response to the new requirements arising from digitalization and sustainability to accounting and finance professions.


The contents include the followings:
• What roles do the new business models have as part of strategic financial management?
• How does digital transformation change financial management?
• What tools and approaches are there, to implement digital finance in practice? What are BI, automation, and AI?
• How can visualization, analysis, forecasting, and strategy work be improved in the digital era?
• When is it time to perform scenario work, or sensitivity analysis (e.g., ROI DuPont), as part of predictive financial management?
• Why is sustainable finance a current discussion topic? What does ESG regulation (CSRD, ESRS, EU Taxonomy, 17SDGs, GRI, etc.) mean to various companies?
• What are the effects of sustainability to external accounting and communication?
• How does sustainability effect future management accounting and control practices, as well as accounting and finance professions?



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

The student can determine and use the assigned concepts, methods, and practices of financial management as well as digital and sustainable finance acceptably. He/she can take responsibility and mainly manage his individual tasks and duties in routine contexts, especially under supervision. He/she works rather actively and manages the basics of industry or case-specific development, scenario and/or forecasting work. He/she can make some contribution in a group.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

The student has the competence of applying and explaining the assigned concepts, methods, and practices of financial management as well as digital and sustainable finance well. He/she can perform industry or case-specific analyses and scenarios in controllable situations. He/she works actively and cooperates responsibly and constructively both individually and in a group. He/she can produce reliable contribution in development of financial management and reporting, and in creation of forecasts and insights. His/her courses of action are well justified.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student can analyze even complex industry and case-specific situations and produce alternative solution proposals to various development tasks and problems in the field of financial management and digital and sustainable finance. He/she can creatively apply his extensive knowledge and skills of the subject matter and produce high-quality analyses, forecasts, scenarios, and insights. In the development work of financial management and reporting, his/her approach may very well be experimental, leading to new findings and conclusions. His/her courses of action are very well justified, and he can work individually, making remarkable contribution to group work, cooperating responsibly, constructively, and flexibly with excellent commitment.


Implementation Plan.