Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Successful Digital SellingLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: 3B00GT68


5 op


Students will gain knowledge about how to successfully sell online. The student will learn about different digital selling models. Additionally, they learn how to do online market research to find a profitable product or niche. They learn on utilizing social commerce for direct sales. Alongside an understanding of paid social and web advertising and enabling them to learn how to make sales. Finally, students learn about fulfilment techniques.


Upon successful completion of the course, students can:
1. Understand various digital selling business models.
2. Able to choose and validate products through market research at digital place.
3. Learn how to sell online? from setting up an online store to selecting a reliable e-commerce platform.
4. Able to utilize social commerce for direct sales.
5. Able to sell using paid social and web advertising.
6. Understand and implement various fulfilment techniques.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

The student has introductory knowledge of digital marketing practices but lacks an active role in creating and publishing content for the purpose. In a team his/her role is merely passive and he/she requires help from others to cope with his/her own tasks.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

The student has basic knowledge of digital marketing and is able to independently take responsibility of his/her own learning as well as support other team members. He/she is an active contributor to the team, is able to understand and use social media channels for digital marketing and can provide good digital content to engage customers.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student has advanced knowledge of digital marketing tools, is independent, takes full responsibility of his/her own learning and helps other team members to succeed. He/she understands well the dynamics of social media channels in marketing and is able to create attractive digital content to engage existing customers and attract new ones.


On-line course


17.09.2023 - 16.11.2023


17.10.2023 - 17.01.2024


5 op




International Business

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
  • Salman Saleem

Salman Saleem

  • 22LIKO
    Liiketalous 2022, päivätoteutus kaikki
  • 22IB
    International Business, syksy 2022, kaikki
  • 21IB
    International Business, syksy 2021, kaikki

Tavoitteet (OJ)

Students will gain knowledge about how to successfully sell online. The student will learn about different digital selling models. Additionally, they learn how to do online market research to find a profitable product or niche. They learn on utilizing social commerce for direct sales. Alongside an understanding of paid social and web advertising and enabling them to learn how to make sales. Finally, students learn about fulfilment techniques.

Sisältö (OJ)

Upon successful completion of the course, students can:
1. Understand various digital selling business models.
2. Able to choose and validate products through market research at digital place.
3. Learn how to sell online? from setting up an online store to selecting a reliable e-commerce platform.
4. Able to utilize social commerce for direct sales.
5. Able to sell using paid social and web advertising.
6. Understand and implement various fulfilment techniques.

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)


Lisätiedot (OJ)

On-line course

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

The student has introductory knowledge of digital marketing practices but lacks an active role in creating and publishing content for the purpose. In a team his/her role is merely passive and he/she requires help from others to cope with his/her own tasks.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

The student has basic knowledge of digital marketing and is able to independently take responsibility of his/her own learning as well as support other team members. He/she is an active contributor to the team, is able to understand and use social media channels for digital marketing and can provide good digital content to engage customers.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

The student has advanced knowledge of digital marketing tools, is independent, takes full responsibility of his/her own learning and helps other team members to succeed. He/she understands well the dynamics of social media channels in marketing and is able to create attractive digital content to engage existing customers and attract new ones.

Aika ja paikka

Sessions will be held online according to the schedule in Pakki.

Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat

The final exam will be given at the last class meeting.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

According to TAMK evaluation criteria (0,1-5)
- Knowing
- Doing
- Being



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät

- Lectures
- Flipped classroom sessions
- Inquiry-based learning
- Collaborative learning
- Independent study and research


Required Textbook

Chaffey, D, & Smith, PR 2017, Digital Marketing Excellence: Planning, Optimizing and Integrating Online Marketing, Taylor & Francis Group, Florence.
Additional readings
Stinnett, B. (2022). The Digital Selling Handbook (1st ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

Additional course material, such as blogs, videos, blogs, and short articles, will be provided in Digicampus Workspace.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

According to the TAMK schedule, ECT credits, and Moodle timing instructions.
Students are expected to:
- Attend lessons
- Participate in group discussions and activities
- Study materials given to them on their own time

Sisällön jaksotus

Details are given in the first lesson

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö

Project work/case studies


Cases and discussion, global operational business environment, and international collaborative projects

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille