AI in Green TransitionLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 5F00GE22
5 op
After completing the course, a student:
- understands the fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence and its applications in the green transition
- understands how AI can contribute for developing circular economy concepts
AI Tools and Technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and robotics,
Case study of how AI tools and technologies can be used in the green transition.
Enrolment period
04.02.2025 - 10.05.2025
05.05.2025 - 31.10.2025
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Continuing Education
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Diploma in Risk Management and Circular Economy
- Jussi Hannunen
25KDRIMCELDiploma in RIsk Management and Circular Economy
Objectives (course unit)
After completing the course, a student:
- understands the fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence and its applications in the green transition
- understands how AI can contribute for developing circular economy concepts
Content (course unit)
AI Tools and Technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and robotics,
Case study of how AI tools and technologies can be used in the green transition.
Assessment scale
Enrolment period
15.08.2024 - 30.10.2024
21.10.2024 - 02.03.2025
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
MD in Risk Management and Circular Economy
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Diploma in Risk Management and Circular Economy
- Jussi Hannunen
- Pauliina Mansikkamäki
24DRIMCELDiploma in Risk Management and Circular Economy
Objectives (course unit)
After completing the course, a student:
- understands the fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence and its applications in the green transition
- understands how AI can contribute for developing circular economy concepts
Content (course unit)
AI Tools and Technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and robotics,
Case study of how AI tools and technologies can be used in the green transition.
Location and time
Online. Weekly meetings schedule will be approved in the first session. Thursday afternoons probable.
Exam schedules
No exam.
Assessment methods and criteria
Students are graded based on attendance and participation on weekly sessions (35%), case study (35%) and final project/podcast (30%).
Opportunities for extra credit or absence makeup exist via taking support roles in team learning and/or podcasting.
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Team learning, inquiry-based projects, and prototyping (=building a basic model of your idea to test to see what works), case study and final project are done in small teams
Learning materials
No mandatory reading.
Student workload
Approximatelly 135h in total
Content scheduling
First session on 24.9.2024. Weekly sessions for 12 weeks with the Chrismas/New Years break in the middle. The last session on or about 20.2.2025. Case study deadline on or about 30.1.2025. Podcast publication deadline on or about 17.2.2024.
Completion alternatives
The course requires in person participation in weekly online meetings. Occasional absences can be made up by taking support roles in team learning and/or podcasting.
The course defaults to students working in small teams in their case study and final project/podcast. If that is unfeasible, for example if the case study requires access to confidential information, allowances can be made for individual work after case by case consideration.
Practical training and working life cooperation
Students are encouraged to engage industry experts in their final project/podcast.
International connections
Students are encouraged to engage international industry experts in their final project/podcast and/or draw their case study topic from an international domain.