Master's Degree Programme in Experience Economy (Tourism, Catering and Domestic Services)
Qualification Awarded and the Level of Qualification
Master of Hospitality Management, EQF 7
Contact Information
Mika Kylänen, Head of Degree Programme
Maija Joensuu, Student Councellor
Special Admission Requirements
General admission criteria, see TAMK’s websites and
Recognition of Prior Learning
It is possible for students to have their prior competence recognised.
See TAMK’s credit transfer guidelines
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
Completion of curriculum studies and achievement of related competence objectives.
Profile of the Programme
The degree is a professional master-level higher education degree. The degree complies with the criteria set by the Finnish national degree system as well as with the European framework for degrees and other competence.
The scope of the degree is 90 cr and is designed to be studied alongside work. The studies are arranged in 1,5 years.
Advanced professional studies 30 cr
Free-choice studies 30 cr
Master’s Thesis 30 cr
Total 90 cr
Studies progress semester by semester, often from advanced professional studies to free-choice studies. The first three study modules are conducted in the autumn semester and the last three in the spring. Advanced professional studies are studied together in a multidisciplinary manner. They provide a comprehensive overview of the experience economy and enhance the students’ expertise in experience design in a versatile way. The students can choose free-choice studies, with guidance and options provided by the Experience Economy Master’s programme and TAMK. Free-choice studies allow the student to strengthen, profile, deepen, or expand their expertise. The development-oriented thesis runs alongside the studies but is emphasised towards the end of the studies. The planning phase begins in the autumn semester. The thesis utilises a collaborative working process, and the implementation phase starts in the spring semester.
Key Learning Outcomes
The Master's Degree Program in Experience Economy is designed for professionals working in service business, tourism, catering, hospitality, events, media, culture, entertainment, sports, commerce, and business sectors. Graduates of the multidisciplinary degree programme can earn either a Master’s Degree in Business Administration, a Master’s Degree in Hospitality Management, or a Master’s Degree in Culture and Arts, depending on their prior qualifications, professional experience, and the the choices in the application process.
The program prepares students to create and manage meaningful and responsible experiences and customer interactions while developing expertise in the experience economy. The content of the studies applies theories and practical tools of experience design and value creation. The studies involve scrutinising sustainable business models within the experience economy, including utilising intellectual property rights and partnerships in business and exploring options for improving profitability. The program also enhances students' leadership skills from strategic business planning and employee management perspectives.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples
The degree strengthens opportunities for employment in management and development roles within the fields of the experience economy. The studies are completed alongside work, and the master’s thesis often involves a project related to the student’s work organisation. The studies provide an opportunity for actively developing one’s career path.
Access to Further Studies
The degree is Master of Hospitality Management. It produces the same eligibility for public offices as a master’s degree from a university. The student may also apply for doctoral studies at a university.
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
Assessment of completed courses is based on TAMK’s assessment criteria. TAMK’s degree regulations are followed in implementation and assessment.
Graduation Requirements
To graduate, the student needs to complete the studies following the curriculum.
Mode of Study
The studies are primarily conducted as online courses. The orientation days of the program are organised on campus, and any additional on-site meetings will be announced before the beginning of the studies.
Development of the Programme
Students' professional networks and multidisciplinary learning form a significant part of the work-life collaboration linked to the program. Collaboration is also carried out with researchers in the experience economy at Tampere University, as well as with networks and stakeholders related to the experience economy.
Student feedback is collected annually in connection with courses. Alumni feedback is collected regularly through online surveys.