Technology ProjectLaajuus (5 op)
Tunnus: 5M00FY22
5 op
The student
- Learns to work in a multidisciplinary design and/or development projects.
- Has the basic skills in development project planning, steering and management.
- Can report progress of the project in different phases.
- Can receive and give development proposals and feedback.
- Is able to evaluate the project outcomes.
Planning, steering and management of a multidisciplinary project
- Tools for project work and control.
- Roles of a project team member and project manager
- Reporting of a project in different phases
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
Knowing: The group does not have clear rules, the work proceeds mostly due to the coach's or clients activity. The students do not take responsibility of the project, work management, and control is inadequate.
The student group focus on their own sub-tasks. The co-operation between group members and with the client, and utilization of the group members' special skills is inadequate.
Being: The work load is unevenly divided between the group members. Project outcome is incomplete, or group's and client's judgement of the outcome differs significantly.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Knowing: The student group agrees on the rules with the assistance of coach, and mainly follows the agreed rules during the project. The project leader takes responsibility on the progress of the project, and takes care that each member can participate in the project work.
The students group work according to the agreed rules and project leader's guidelines. They listen to each other's opinions and co-operate with the client. Project members' commitment to the project varies in different phases.
The Project outcome is in accordance with the task description. Group and client have quite similar opinions on the quality of the project work and its outcomes.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Knowing: The students in the group self-directively and collectively agrees on the rules and takes care that all group members follow them during the project.
The project leader takes appropriate responsibility, takes the group members' skills into account and leads the project with smoothly. The project leader finds creative solutions to enhanche good working atmosphere. Time and work load allocation is systematical and balanced.
Each group member works for accomplishing the project aims in co-operation with group members. All group members participate actively in all phases of the project. Group members listen to and respect others' opinions and competences. The students co-operate with the client and adjust plans according to feed-back.
Being: The project proceeds according to the timetable or the timetable (and or the aims) is adjusted in co-operation with the client. The project group is able to evaluate realistically the quality of outcome with regard to the project aims and is able to reflect the project work process.
Project teams consist of students from several backgrounds. The project can also be implemented separately as a separate development project directly with the company