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Language and International Business Studies ILaajuus (10 op)

Tunnus: 3Y00FC82


10 op


The student will be able to:
• plan a personal learning program for language, internationalization and business skills, that fits the goals of the team. In case the mother tongue of the student is Finnish, he/she will include Swedish studies to his/her learning program in order to achieve the language skills required from officials working in public office.
• develop his/her language skills according to the study plan
• communicate more proficiently in his/her study and business environments in Finnish, English and other languages selected by the student


What kind of language, cultural and business skills/competences does our team enterprise need in order to operate successfully in the Finnish and international business environment?

How do we achieve those skills and competencies?

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Student's ability to communicate in Finnish, English and other languages has improved and he/she has better understanding of different cultures. The student is able to put theory into practice by operating purposefully in the international business environment.

The student has not improved his/her Finnish, English or other language skills. The student has not been able to set targets according to the needs of the team or follow the learning plan.