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VFX Artist - Specialisation Education: VFX Specialisation studies 2022

Tunnus: 22VFX

1 vuotta (30 op)

Syksy 2022



The learning outcomes of the specialisation education are divided into five sections that provide knowledge on the overall VFX pipeline in audiovisual productions and more specific knowledge and skills that VFX artists need in productions. Through project work, students can deepen their knowledge and skills in some expertise fields of VFX production. Students are encouraged and allowed to set their personal learning objectives in all sections of the education. The specialisation education focuses on technologies and work methods that are internationally the most common in the near future. In addition, students will observe and analyse the opportunities of emerging technologies.
The sections and their contents have been created together with VFX and post-production companies.

The five main sections and their learning outcomes are as follows:

1) VFX Production Pipeline in Audiovisual Productions

Students have knowledge and understanding of the visual effects pipeline in audiovisual productions that include artistic, technical and economic management of projects. They understand the key fields of cinematic storytelling regarding visual effects productions such as scenes and their role in the narrative. They differentiate the key roles of audiovisual and VFX productions and know-how audiovisual departments and VFX department collaborate. They understand the cost structure and technical management of productions. They know the competence requirements and competence development practises of VFX artists. They know which are the essential tools needed in the production pipeline.

2) VFX Pre-Production

Students know and can implement design processes of VFX productions including script and cost analysis for a VFX production, artistic and technical VFX planning and testing. They can previsualize and communicate the plans with the key persons of audiovisual production.

3) VFX Production

Students know the activities of VFX department on set during the filming including e.g., technical planning, monitoring image material and testing solutions. They understand how VFX and film departments collaborate on set.

4) VFX Post-Production

Students know international work standards, methods and tools used in VFX productions. Students manage different phases of visual effects composition such as working with mattes, compositing computer graphics, tracking, working with colour and rendering. Students can design and create visual effects for audiovisual productions.

5) Professional Self Development

Students develop intentionally their knowledge and skills in some VFX specialisation field by planning and executing a project work (e.g., a specific VFX specialist role or VFX producer).

The target group is professionals who work in the audiovisual industry, game industry or in some other media field and whose prior work experience and competencies support building the VFX artist career in specialisation education. The education is targeted to professionals holding Bachelor’s Degree in Culture and Arts or some other applicable degree or to professionals that a higher education institution recognizes to have sufficient knowledge and capabilities for the studies.


About one academic year

The identification and recognition of previously acquired competence (AHOT) is carried out in accordance with the practices of the university of applied sciences that implements the specialization education.



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Tunnus Opinnon nimi Laajuus (op) 2022-2023 Syksy 2022 Kevät 2023 1. / 2022 2. / 2022 3. / 2023 4. / 2023
VF00FW21 VFX Production Pipeline in Audiovisual Productions 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
VF00FW22 VFX Pre-Production 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
VF00FW23 VFX Production 2 2 2 1 1
VF00FW26 VFX Post-Production 1 10 10 10 5 5
VF00FW98 VFX Post-Production 2 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
VF00FW24 VFX Project 7 7 7 3.5 3.5
Yhteensä 30 30 6 24 3 3 12 12

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